Privacy Policy
Personal Information
Barefoot Images may request personal information from visitors to this site in order to provide a feature or service. Examples of this include, but are not limited to, submitting the feedback form or creating an account in order to access private galleries.
Any and all information shared with Barefoot Images through the use of these services will be used for the sole purpose of providing said service, and will not be shared, sold or otherwise disclosed to any third party without your prior consent, except where compelled to do so by law.
Article 5(3) of EU Directive 2002/58 on Privacy and Electronic Communications (otherwise known as the "E-Privacy Directive) requires all website operators in the EU to provide "clear and comprehensive information" about how they use cookies and similar technologies for storing information on a visitors device, and to seek informed consent from the visitor prior to using these technologies.
The directive makes allowance for an exception to this rule, when the cookie is considered essential to provide a feature or service requested by the visitor.
What are cookies?
If you'd like to learn more about what cookies are, and their potential impact on privacy we recommend reading this jargon-free guide to cookies as written by the BBC.
How we use cookies
Barefoot Images uses a number of cookies on this site, details of which can be found below:
Essential Cookies
ASP.NET_SessionId - Created automatically by the .NET Framework when a user access the website, this cookie allows us to recognise repeat visits and retrieve important information (i.e. shopping cart contents, etc.) from previous visits. This cookie contains no personally identifiable information, and automatically expires when the users browser is closed.
.ASPXAUTH - When you login to an account on the Barefoot Images website, this cookie is used to identify the account which you have logged in against. This cookie does not in itself contain any personally identifiable information, but contains a unique "Account ID" which we can use to recall personal information provided at the time of registration. This cookie will normally expire when the users browser is closed, unless the user selected the "Remember me next time" checkbox when logging in, in which case the cookie will remain valid forever or until manually removed by the user.
civicAllowCookies - If you give, or deny, your consent for Barefoot Images to use cookies, this cookie is used to remember that preference so we will not have to ask you each time you visit our website. This cookie will remain valid forever, or until manually removed by the user.
Optional Cookies
Barefoot Images uses Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google, to provide anonymous, aggregated, statistics on the utilisation and performance of our website. We use this information to monitor whether the information we provide on this site is meeting the needs of our customers. The analytics service uses a number of cookies, all normally starting "__utm" - for more information on the number and usage of cookies set by Google, please see their Cookies and Google Analytics page. For information on Google's privacy policy, as it applies to their analytics service, please see their Safeguarding your Data page.